Spanish Defence Minister, Margarita Robles, on Friday warmly welcomed a Turkish family in Madrid, who had been rescued from the rubble in the Nurdagi district of south-eastern Gaziantep province by the Spanish Emergency Military Unit (UME) following the devastating earthquakes that hit southern Turkiye on 6 February, 2023, Anadolu Agency reports. At the Ministry, Robles hosted Elif, her brother, Mahsun Salih and their mother, Leyla Yilmaz, who were rescued from the rubble of Ismet Coskun Apartment by UME in the earthquake zone. She expressed her heartfelt sentiments, saying: “We are very happy to see you here. Spain is now your home, and you are part of our family.” READ: Spain Premier: ‘Gaza’s humanitarian catastrophe is seriously undermining international law’ Robles praised […]